📹 Text-to-video is getting scary real

+ 📲 No-code platform for building solutions + 🖼️ Adobe controversy

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Hello folks,

Happy start of the week. We have lots of new things to talk about. There’s a great new no-code backend app, and a Chinese firm just revealed an amazing Sora competitor.

Let’s get right into it.

In this issue:

  • 🤝 In Partnership: Value Investor Daily, smart investing

  • 🤿 Deep Dive: Adobe’s terms of service sparks controversy

  • 🔨 Trending Tool: Low / no-code platform for building solutions

  • 🖼️ AI Art: Examples of great and trending AI art

  • 🤿 Deep Dive: Kuaishou unveiled new text-to-video service

  • ⚒️ Tool Snapshots: Tools for AI, no-code, and productivity


Learn how to become an “Intelligent Investor.”

Warren Buffett says great investors read 8 hours per day. What if you only have 5 minutes a day? Then, read Value Investor Daily.

Every week, it covers:

  • Value stock ideas - today’s biggest value opportunities 📈

  • Principles of investing - timeless lessons from top value investors 💰

  • Investing resources - investor tools and hidden gems 🔎

You’ll save time and energy and become a smarter investor in just minutes daily–free! 👇


Adobe's Terms of Service Change Sparks Controversy Involving AI Training

Intelligence: Adobe is facing criticism after revising its Terms of Service for its generative AI products, which some users interpret as allowing the company to access their content for AI training purposes.

  • Section 2.2 of the terms indicates that Adobe may use machine learning to analyze user content to improve its services and software, which, affects over 20 million global users of its Creative Cloud Suite.

  • Some users express concern that Adobe is surveilling their work and potentially using it to train AI models.

  • Adobe insists there have been no policy changes, and that the updated wording is meant to provide clarity.

  • Despite reassurances, the ambiguity in the terms and the rise of generative AI have led some users to consider canceling their subscriptions. 

Significance: This highlights the challenges that companies face when integrating AI technologies, including the need to balance innovation with user privacy concerns.


No-Code and Low-Code Platoform to Build Apps and Solutions

NocoBase is an open-source, self-hosted no-code, and low-code development platform designed to be both scalable and user-friendly.

It provides a robust solution for developing business systems without extensive coding knowledge while maintaining significant flexibility for technical teams.

Image Credit: NocoBase

How to use:

  1. Collections and Fields.  Start by creating collections and fields which are the fundamental building blocks for data modeling.

  2. Menus and Pages.  Configure menus and pages to structure the interface through drag-and-drop functionalities.

  3. Blocks & Actions.  Use blocks and actions to design interactions and workflows across the application. These components can be placed on pages to compose the UI, similar to tools like Notion.

  4. Switch Modes.  Easily switch between usage mode and configuration mode for streamlined development and adjustments to the user interface.

  5. Deployment.  Deploy NocoBase either as a live demo or locally on your own server for full control and management.


Examples of great and trending AI art

valeofvirtue's "Iconic Drum Legends" created with Midjourney


Kuaishou's New Text-to-Video Service Marks AI Progress in China

Intelligence: Kuaishou, China's second-largest short-video app, has unveiled a text-to-video service in a bid to keep pace with US AI applications, emulating OpenAI's Sora.

Source: Kling AI

  • The new service, called the Kling AI Model, is still in the trial stage. It can convert text into video clips up to two minutes long in 1080p resolution.

  • Kuaishou is one of several Chinese tech companies racing to develop alternatives to Sora.

  • This development follows Kuaishou's other AI innovations, including its large language model KwaiYii and text-to-image model Kolors.

  • Kuaishou boasts nearly 400 million daily active users, making it the second-largest short-video app in China, after ByteDance's Douyin (TikTok).

Significance: The launch of Kuaishou's text-to-video service underscores the rapid advancement of AI applications in China. This progress reflects the broader competition in the global tech industry.


Futuristic tools within AI, no-code, and productivity

  • 📚 Sleepytales - Personalized, AI-narrated bedtime stories for all ages. Free to try.

  • 🔐 Syfly - Fortify device data, securely share, and ensure emergency access. Free to try.

  • 🤖 BeeDone - Accelerate success with AI-powered productivity and habit-building. Free option available.

  • 🌐 BiRead - AI-powered bilingual web content converter for language learners. Free option available.

  • 🤖 Riffo - Streamline file organization with AI-powered renaming. Free to use.



The Intelligent Worker helps you to be more productive at work with AI, automation, no-code, and other technologies.

We like real, practical, and tangible use-cases and hate hand-wavy, theoretical, and abstract concepts that don’t drive real-world outcomes.

Our mission is to empower individuals, boost their productivity, and future-proof their careers.

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